How to properly run java console application with a doubleclick (Windows)

You’ve developed a java application which runs fine in your IDE but now you want to show your application to the outer world. Running a java program by setting up windows command window and then typing java -jar myProgram.jar paramA paramB .. may be a bit confusing for an everyday user, so the simplier means to do it are quite desirable.

A simple way to achieve this is to use a batch (.bat) file.

Let’s assume you have a console java application which takes one parameter – a configuration filepath and name. You can create a simple script file which will run this application in console for you after a doubleclick.

You should:

1. Create a text file like this :

@echo off
 set jarpath="JavaApp.jar"
 java -jar %jarpath% %CD%\Config.txt

%CD% is a pseudo-variable which holds the working directory. It’s useful when you eg. want to load a config file located in the same folder as your .bat file.
PAUSE displays a localized version of “Press any key to continue…” message.

2. Save it as .bat file.
3. The program is ready for double click run!

One Comment

  • Thanks.
    But I want to convert .jar to .exe file. Exe file contains all regarding library and assest. No other file except configuration files regarding project.
    java programming